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Petland Albuquerque, NM
July 8, 2021
If you own one of these fluffy angels, it’s only natural for you to want to know what they are thinking. Sometimes, you might catch them doing something weird or comical that makes you go, ‘Why on earth would you do that?’
Now, no two dogs are exactly the same. They each have their own defining personality. But all dogs share similar behavior patterns that give us an inkling of what they are feeling.
In this article, we discuss the different behaviors your pup can exhibit, in basic dog language, and what they mean.
Cocking their head to one side is one of the cutest expressions that your dog can pull off. It’s almost like they are questioning what is going on.
Experts say that they are trying to figure out what they are hearing and the location of the noise. Another reason they might do this is that they are trying to pick up some commands they’ve gotten accustomed to, maybe ‘heel’ or ‘walk’
However, if your dog cocks her head without a trigger or appears not to have control over it, it could be a health issue. You need to see your vet as quickly as possible.
Yes, your pup eating grass is normal. However, this behavior is a sign that they lack some important nutrients in their diet. Another reason could be that they may be dehydrated or want to get rid of intestinal worms in their bellies. In such scenarios, it’s best you contact your vet for advice on their diet.
Dogs dig a lot. And we’re pretty sure your pup is no different. They dig when they’re bored, or want to hide their important belongings, or when they need a cooler spot to stay. But, when they dig inside the house as well—couches and blankets—it can be a nuisance.
This behavior is completely normal. Get your furry friend busy by engaging her with interactive games. However, if the digging really distresses you, you can employ the services of a trainer to reduce the habit.
Does your Goldie spin in circles, chasing her tail? It’s a cute scene to watch and a very normal activity. It’s just another fun way she releases energy. However, if she does the activity excessively, it could be a sign of an anal or skin infection.
If this progresses to something constant and extreme, your dog might have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Did your jaw drop? Yep, Dogs do have OCD. You will need to see your vet concerning the tail chasing.
We’ve spoken about the cute behaviors, the weird patterns, and the funny ones. Now, it’s time for the ugly and downright gross behavior—eating poop.
As grotesque as it sounds (or looks), your pup eating poop is actually quite common. The truth is, we may never pinpoint exactly why they do this.
But different theories speculate that they do this because they may be hungry, anxious or stressed, or purely out of natural instinct.